Faith Place Bible Institute
Ministry For The World Today!

Telephone - (773) 255 - 9773
Faith Place Bible Institute Curriculum Paths
Bachelors of Black Biblical Studies in The Faith
Credit Hours​
The Doctrine of God 16
Oneness of God (4)
The Doctrine of God The Father (4)
The Doctrine of God the Son (4)
The Doctrine of God the Holy Spirit (4)
Creation 12
Creation and Reorganizing (Gap) (4)
Living Beings (4)
Commencement of Spiritual Warfare (4)
Noah and the Nations 24
The African Beginning (4)
Locating The Garden of Eden (4)
One People of The World (4)
The Land of Shinar and the Sumerians (4)
Dispersing of The Nations of The World (4)
African Spirituality (4)
The Constitution of Man 12
Body (4)
Soul (4)
Spirit (4)
Dominion Granted to Man 20
The Doctrine of Dominion (4)
Your Desire and Dominion (4)
What You Say and Dominion (4)
Your Faith and Dominion (4)
Your Actions and Dominion (4)
Spiritual Gifts 37
The Doctrine of Spiritual Gifts (4)
The Gift of Wisdom (3)
The Gift of Knowledge (3)
The Gift of Faith (3)
The Gift of Healing (3)
He Gift of Miracles (3)
The Gift of Prophecy (3)
The Gift of Discerning of Spirits (3)
The Gift of Tongues (3)
The Gift of Interpretation of Tongues (3)
The Gift of Helps (3)
The Gift of Governments (3)
Masters of Studies in The Faith
History of The Faith (Christianity) 4
Bible of The Faith 4
Heaven 2
Hell 2
Comparative Analysis of The Faith 18
​vs. Black Hebrew Israelites (3)
vs. Jehovah’s Witnesses (3)
vs. Humanism (3)
vs. Islam (3)
vs. Mormonism (3)
vs. Christian Science (3)
Doctorate of Studies in The Faith
Eschatological Studies 60
Degree and Certificate Programs
All of Faith Place Bible Institute's (here fore referred to as FPBI) courses of study and programs focus on transferring the knowledge of 'The Faith' (Christianity) with an emphasis on the African foundation at creation and doctrinal theology. All courses, degrees, certifications, etc. are biblically based programs that utilize the Holy Scriptures as foundation and source documentation. These courses are prepared to equip the student to understand God, God's Plan, your purpose; then use this knowledge to minister and create a better world.
FPBI takes pride in its biblically based programs and its emphasis on unimpaired Bible knowledge and personal growth. Bible based ministerial degrees are thus offered. Students desiring purely secular concentrated degrees in specific programs or subjects (such as B.S., M.A., Ph.D., etc.) should enroll in private or state colleges offering such degrees.
A Bachelors Degree consists of a student completing FPBI's 120 Bachelors Educational Credit hour program
Because of the thoroughness and uniqueness of our curriculum, degrees and programs, comprehensive and thorough consideration of the institution or subject matter is considered prior to being granted credit for classes/courses taken at other learning institutions. This same consideration will also be given for seminars, workshops and continuing education courses completed.
A Masters Degree requires FPBI's 30 credit hour curriculum above the Bachelors Degree.
Because of the thoroughness and uniqueness of our curriculum, degrees and programs, comprehensive and thorough consideration of the institution or subject matter is considered prior to being granted credit for classes/courses taken at other learning institutions. This same consideration will also be given for seminars, workshops and continuing education courses completed.
The requirement is FPBI's 60 credit hour curriculum beyond the Masters Degree that includes a Learning Level Original Work professional paper.
Because of the thoroughness and uniqueness of our curriculum, degrees and programs, comprehensive and thorough consideration of the institution or subject matter is considered prior to being granted credit for classes/courses taken at other learning institutions. This same consideration will also be given for seminars, workshops and continuing education courses completed.
Certificates may be earned by completing any of our specified courses. Successful completion of a certificate course can be applied toward a degree.